Loxley Web Studio's Cross Browser Testing Policy

Why I Check Your Website on Multiple Browsers

In the world of web design and development, making sure your website works perfectly across various browsers and devices is essential. This is where Cross Browser Testing comes into play, helping me view your website from different browsers and fix any issues.

When you choose the Loxley Web Studio for your web project, you can rest assured that I'll thoroughly check your website on multiple browsers to ensure it works seamlessly for your audience, no matter which browser they prefer.

Why Viewing Your Website from Different Browsers Matters

Different web browsers and devices use different technologies to display your website. This means that while your site may look great on your Mac or iPhone, it might appear broken or hard to use on other devices.

Cross-browser testing involves checking how your website looks and works on different web browsers. This practice ensures that your website never appears broken and that all moving parts function as intended, no matter which browser your visitors use.

Checking Cross Browser Compatibility

At the Loxley Web Studio, I will check cross browser compatibility  across a wide range of modern devices and browsers, including:

  • Windows: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera
  • Android: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Samsung
  • Mac: Safari v15 onwards
  • iPhone: Safari v15 onwards

This thorough testing ensures your website's compatibility for the vast majority of western visitors.

Disclaimer: While my commitment to cross-browser testing is unwavering, it doesn't extend to alternative viewing experiences such as dark mode unless specifically requested.

Accommodating Additional Testing Needs

I understand that each project is unique. If you need more extensive testing on older browsers or have additional browsers in mind for evaluation, I'm here to accommodate your specific needs. My ultimate goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with your web project, and I'm open to collaborating with you to address any extra testing requirements.

In Conclusion

Cross Browser Testing is a fundamental aspect of web design, ensuring consistent and effective website performance across various browsers and devices. If you have questions or specific requirements related to cross-browser compatibility, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at the Loxley Web Studio. I'm dedicated to making your web experience smooth and hassle-free.